Merchandise Management

In National Geographic in Singapore, the store is divided into 5 departments:
 Rugged
 Explorer Gear
 International Traveler
 Library
 Market Place

Basically, Market place is a department that consists of products where everything is movable. They are products that are taken from different departments. The purpose of having a market place is to let consumers to have an easy browsing of merchandise by allowing them to have a glance of the merchandise offered in store before moving to the specific collections.

From there, the departments are then further divided into 4 Collections.
• International Travel
• Rugged Basic
• Desert
• Tropical

International Travel

International Travel are style that meets real world travel, with attractive, bamboo – based fabrics that makes consumers pack light and looks great. It is rather a casual, comfortable, classic, international travel. It is usually suitable for urban explorer as for the wilderness adventurer; with versatile designs incorporating travel – related features and exciting colors which can be easily combined with others.

Rugged Basic

Rugged basic are styles where consumers get to express their personal sense of style with the rugged – look, but limited edition designed for the urban traveler. They are eye- catching iconic designs that are inspired by unique cultural. Incorporating inventive traveler- friendly features, this collection’s natural fabrics are best chosen for comfort and durability.
They are cotton- based materials that are tough yet comfortable in highly individual colors, and all carries the National Geographic Flag Logo.

Desert collections

Desert Collections are garments made from lightweight cotton twill, and feature a multipocket design for supreme comfort and practicality. As the name states, it is best suits for every outdoor activity under the sun.


Tropical are range of clothing that is treated with the environment- friendly trademark Health Guard System that repels mosquitoes and other insects, such as bed bugs , sand flies and Fleas. They are made with allergen-free textiles and light weight linen that is suitable for sensitive skin and tropical humid Climate. As the name states, it is perfect for the outdoors, and helps protect wearer from insect bites and tropical diseases.

Category Management

Basically National Geographic is divided into apparel and non – apparel department.
As National geographic itself is a very huge branding, it can be referring from culture, photo taking and down to apparel and gadget wear and how they manage and categories their products is based on branding and needs of customers.

The category management in National Geographic is derived based on the 4 collections in the national geographic store in line with the 4 pillars of national Geographic. Basically from the diffusion of knowledge, whereby National geographic will needs something educational and something about cross – culture. As National Geographic itself, is all about culture getting to know one and another culture.

National Geographic is also about Photographing, which explains why the sale of photographs or picture.

Next, it’s about exploration referring to researching and thus leading to the reason why explorer wears rugged basic.

Analysis: National Geographic did a good job in categorising its products into apparel and non- apparel. Under Apparel, it has further categorised into 4 collection to fit the needs of the 3 different segment of consumers. Example for Explorer gear; consumers who likes hiking or loves exploring would need an outfit that suits what they are doing, International traveller; like the name suggest, is for consumers who loves travelling, and lastly, for Rugged basic; more of casual wear for urban travellers. As they are clothes that are cotton based best suits for its comfortable and quality.

The reason why National Geographic has categorised their products in this format, mainly because consumers who patronises National Geographic are usually consumers who have already known their brand well, or are people who belongs to the 3 segments ; Explorer, International Traveller, Rugged Basic. Thus, naturally they had a fair bit of understanding with the products in National Geographic and knows what they wants, when stepped into the store. Other than these departments, National Geographic also have a corner specially to displayed paintings/ photographs just for consumers who loves exploring or consumers who falls in the target segment - International Traveller. Other than these, National geographic also have a spacious corner known as "Auditorium" airing National Geographic's documentaries for consumers to sit back and relax while their families/friends are shopping.
Also, according to the interview we conducted with the National Geographic store's store manager, the merchandise was placed according to promotions item in first hand slot, and merchandise display changes as the season’s changes. For Example, National Geographic change the displays of clothing to match every season. They also display their new arrival according to the theme. For Example: World Forest Day.